By Elen Evans

STEM Ginger Education

Nature-based projects through English

The problem?


Disconnect between people and the natural world.

Disconnect between the developing and the developed world.

Disconnect between people of different races and cultures.

Disconnect between older and younger generations.

The solution

The solution:CONNECTION

Connection happens when we know about each other.

We provide opportunities to learn and reasons to communicate, bringing different languages, cultures and generations together.

Who can benefit?

clil teacher training stem ginger education


Do you want your school to be known for environmental awareness and creativity?

Do you want your teachers to feel supported and able to provide an outstanding education?

Boost the reputation of your school by providing vital elements in modern-day education: critical thinking, creativity, language & communication, environmental awareness, cross-curricula study.

Contact us to arrange an evaluation and proposal of your school and curriculum.

Smart Girl Ready to Answer Question


Do you want your learners to be motivated?

Do you want to equip them with lifelong skills?

Project-based learning and learning through doing is effective and super motivating for your learners. There is plenty of free material for raising environmental awareness with the Environmental Warriors.

Teaching through English can be intimidating and feel ineffective, when it is not your native language. STEM Ginger Education provides CLIL support and training so no learning is jeopardized.

stem ginger education


Do you want to know more about science and the natural world?

Do you want to ‘meet’ other young people from other corners of the globe?

Complete Environmental Warrior projects, see your work displayed online and communicate with other young people from all around the world who have completed parallel projects.

Follow a Global Citizens course and learn more about the science behind the world around us and you will see how everything is so closely linked.

Healthy Discussion

Speak to young people around the world in the forum about parallel Environmental Warrior projects.

Global experience

Learn about global similarities and differences in the Environmental Warriors’ magazine.

"Engaged, empowered, motivated young people equal a more sustainable future."

Elen Evans - Founder and CEO


Lovely environment

“Cool learning in lovely environment. You made it possible! Thanks!”

Xavier Coll Juan

STEM Ginger Education

Xavier Coll Juan

“Cool learning in lovely environment. You made it possible! Thanks!”

Thank you

“Thanks for doing what you teach.”

Rosario Diaz Veira

STEM Ginger Education

Rosario Diaz Veira

“Thanks for doing what you teach.”


“Thanks a lot for your enthusiasm and inspiring way of teaching.”

Julia Fernández Roldán

STEM Ginger Education

Julia Fernández Roldán

“Thanks a lot for your enthusiasm and inspiring way of teaching.”


“I’ve spent an amazing and fun time with you. I hope that this experience will be incredibly useful! Thanks for all!”

Anna García Bernat

STEM Ginger Education

Anna García Bernat

“I’ve spent an amazing and fun time with you. I hope that this experience will be incredibly useful! Thanks for all!”

Thank you

"Thanks for your kindness and patience."

Ada Ortega Murga

STEM Ginger Education

Ada Ortega Murga

“Thanks for your kindness and patience.”

Interesting and useful

“It was really, really interesting and useful. Thank you so much." 2 months later: "I have introduced student’s talking time....(and).....scaffolding. Now is easier for me to find and create resources to help the diversity of students to achieve their goals.”

Cristóbal Fernández Medina

STEM Ginger Education

Cristóbal Fernández Medina

“It was really, really interesting and useful. Thank you so much.” 2 months later: “I have introduced student’s talking time….(and)…..scaffolding. Now is easier for me to find and create resources to help the diversity of students to achieve their goals.”
STEM Ginger Education

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environmental warriors stem ginger education

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