By Elen Evans

STEM Ginger Education

Nature-based projects through English

Include STEM in your teaching: Projects, Courses, Syllabuses & Curricula

Project-based learning, Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), guided discovery, full immersion … Have you ever wondered what the best learning-teaching method really is?

Of course there is no one way to teach Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, and each has its own strengths; in addition, there is no one way to learn, because all learners have their own needs, learning styles, motivations, and interests. The current global shift in education towards cross-curriculum, project and student centered study, is undeniably a step in the right direction as it aims to reach this diversity.

Photo by Hal Gatewood, available on

In this blog, I’m going to reflect on ways you can incorporate STEM into your educational setting, and how STEM Ginger Education might be able to help you.

STEM Ginger Education works with highly qualified people in the field of education, CLIL, STEM and drones. Everyone is truly passionate about, qualified and experienced in their own expertism.

Find out how we can help you! Get in touch and tell us about your educational setting:

STEM Projects

STEM projects are a quick, fun injection of learning: whether through our online projects: Environmental Warriors and Constructive Visions; or setting up your own investigations and projects

Photo by Steven Wright, available on

Environmental Warriors

Guide your young learner to take part in our short online projects, currently on WASH (Water Accessibility Sanitation and Hygiene). Worksheets and instructions are available here:

Learn about other participants here

… and see their work here 

Constructive Visions

STEM Ginger Education is partnering with Constructive Visions – a creative and thought-provoking initiative that uses the power of storytelling to help us envisage a bright and positive ‘post-pandemic’ world.

Join in our Constructive Visions’ discussions and tasks, by taking part in an international online group. Meet other young people from around the world, do the tasks in your own way, in your own time, and then come back to discuss thoughts and ideas, as well as having your own work on our website for all the world to see!

Look at recent contributions here

Summer Programmes

What better way to get your kids enjoying their summer than on an English speaking camp, where they learn interesting and relevant skills, do fun projects, and all while getting to know other young people and communicating in English?

Elac Study Vacations

This is exactly what Elac Study Vacations provides: exciting courses and situations where young people can learn myriad life skills: public speaking, communicating in English, STEM and critical thinking, to name but a few.

STEM Ginger Education collaborates with Elac on its STEM programmes. In summer 2022, learners from a mix of countries, went out into the field and worked together on various hands-on projects, including:

  • Water – sources and filtration (finding water sources; drawing maps; making filters).
  • Light – properties of light and solar power (breaking up white light; making a solar-powered oven).
  • Energy – CO2 and the environment (making different atmospheres in bottles; running experiments to see the effects of ocean acidification).

Want to know how STEM projects can spice up your summer school programme?

STEM Ginger Education provides project-based learning that can make your centre stand out from the rest.

 Find out how STEM projects could work for you:

STEM Courses

How do today’s 16-17 year olds choose what to study at university? It’s such a massive decision to make at that age. Where do they start?

Photo by Burst, available on

Nearly 30 years ago, when I was making similar decisions, my choices came down to what my friends were doing, and what the teachers for each subject were like: my German teacher was fun and all my friends were in the class; English class was often cancelled because the teacher was unwell so I had more time to hang out with my friends; my maths teacher was inspirational and, I am glad to say, I loved the mind-bending challenges maths provides.

But what about science, my absolute passion now as an adult? I can’t even remember the teachers or the classes in school – I was definitely not inspired.

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like had you studied something different? 

STEM Ginger Education runs courses, The Global Citizens, that give young people a chance to taste a variety of STEM subjects, helping them to decide what they really want to go on to study at university.

The Global Citizens

The courses we offer include:

  • Oceanography – The Blue Planet
  • Virus manipulation, genetics and Covid-19
  • The Environmental Web and Eco-sustainability
  • Drones and robotics in Environmental Management

    Find out more about the specifics of these courses here:

STEM, cross-curricular study and syllabuses

Nowadays implementation of 21st century skills is essential on any curriculum, and these skills go hand-in-hand with STEM learning. The following are essential, and work well as part of cross-curricular study:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Creativity
  • Information literacy
  • Media literacy
  • Technology literacy
  • Flexibility

There are so many things to think about when writing and preparing a syllabus – and a teacher just wants to teach his/her/their specialism!

STEM Ginger Education helps educational institutions to maximise inclusion of different 21st century skills in sensible ways that require little extra work, just a different approach, as they can slot quite naturally into your curriculum. In addition, at all times we bear in mind internal and external constraints (e.g. financial; national curriculum requirements; diversity of learner skills and abilities; parental expectations).

Let’s look at an example …

The challenge: the Welsh National Curriculum

The national curriculum in Wales has changed recently (as is the case in many countries) to make learning-teaching more fitting for today’s world. In Wales, teachers have ‘the freedom to teach what they want’; however, they are obliged to incorporate various cross-curricula and integral skills:

Although this sounds positive, it’s daunting for the course writers and for the teachers.

The solution: STEM Ginger Education curriculum and project design

STEM Ginger Educationcan help you incorporate these skills into your curriculum:

  • Literacy – highlighting topic specific words; looking at the origins of these words.
  • Digital competence – capturing and interrogating data, recognising and evaluating computational processes, designing and expressing learners’ thinking using digital devices and systems. Learners’ use of a range of digital technologies and software applications.
  • Numeracy – design and measure, model and communicate ideas, analyse and predict then draw conclusions.
  • Creativity and innovation – curiosity and inquisitiveness, question established knowledge, entrepreneurial skills.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving – tackle misconceptions, conceptual understanding, independence, inquiry, problem solving.
  • Personal effectiveness – work towards purposeful outcomes while developing resilience and perseverance, failure is a step towards success.
  • Planning and organising – become increasingly independent when developing ideas, implementing solutions, monitoring and reflecting on results.

Where do I go from here?

If you want to incorporate STEM projects (Environmental Warriors, Constructive Visions, or your own ideas) as extracurricular activities; give your teenage learners a chance to experience different areas of science on our Global Citizen courses; integrate STEM into your curriculum as per the national curriculum where you are, please get in touch with us:, and …

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Have you got any questions?

If you are an English teacher, a STEM teacher, a parent, educator, or director, check out our FAQs here. 

If your question has not been answered, please don’t hesitate to send us an email: